PowerOptions for RadioActive Traders: 1/6/2011 | PowerOptions Web Log
During this presentation, Mike Chupka, PowerOptions Director of Education, walks investors through how to use the patented PowerOptions suite of tools for implementing RadioActive Trading techniques. (select below to view video) After a brief review of an RPM (RadioActive Profit Machine) setup and a brief discussion for the advantages of these limited risk techniques, Mr. Chupka illustrates how to: Use the patented PowerOptions SmartSearchXL tool to identify RPMs. Adjust criteria to match your personal risk-reward tolerance. Customize the results view to aid investors in comparing trades. Analyze and research a position using the More Information buttons. Execute the Catastrophe Report and What-if scenarios before entering an RPM. Use the Portfolio tools to help track, manage and apply Income Methods to the RPM. Also, other methodology specifics and related PowerOptions tool issues are discussed. [tags] limited risk techniques, risk-reward, Portfolio [/tags] Related