GM Selling Cars on eBay and How to Profit with Stock Options | PowerOptions Web Log
Can the automobile industry become successful at selling new cars, online on EBay (EBAY), like other successful industries and individuals? The American iconic company General Motors (MTLQQ.PK) is changing its business model to include an online sales venue for new cars. The salespeople or really a web site will be there to help customers, 24/7, but customers won’t be able to kick the tires or take a test drive. After years of doing things the same, the U.S. car industry is being forced to change their old ways. The American car institution, General Motors (MTLQQ.PK) was the leader in total car sales for years, before going broke in 2009, as a result of the global financial meltdown. The company was bailed out by the U.S. government through the help of the American Taxpayer’s aggregate of 50 billion dollars. The bailout by the government came after the politicians and economic experts...