Conversions, if you are able to receive a credit, are no risk options trades with a very limited reward.
One example of a conversion is:
Buy shares of SLV @ $18.73
Sell JUN 18 call @ -$ 1.08
Buy JUN 18 put @ $ 0.34
Net Debit = $17.99
Guaranteed exit/assignment = $18.00
Guaranteed Profit = $ 0.01
1. Possibility for a no-risk trade
2. Credit is received
3. Management is not necessary
4. Opportunities can easily be found with PowerOptions
1. Guaranteed Profit is extremely limited
2. After commissions limited profit might turn into a loss
3. Due to low profit, 1,000s of shares may need to be traded which hinders the retail investor
4. Opportunities may appear, then disappear quickly. I found this trade on PowerOptions, but by the time I linked to the profit and loss chart the trade showed a guaranteed loss of -$0.04 due to price changes in under a minute.